Swedish Specialist Hospital
مركز الجراحه التجميليه في اربيل
Swedish Specialist Hospital

Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
Reconstructive surgery is performed on abnormal structures of the body caused by congenital defects, developmental abnormalities, trauma, infection, tumors or disease. It is generally performed to improve functions, but may also be done to approximate a normal appearance.
Plastic and reconstructive surgery can repair and restore appearance and function that has been lost for a number of reasons, such as:
Surgery or radiotherapy used to treat cancers at various sites in the body can be successful, but sometimes healthy tissue surrounding the tumour is not left undamaged. Reconstructive surgery can then be necessary to help restore function and appearance.
Mastectomy for breast cancer - many different types of breast reconstruction techniques are now available, providing a wide choice for individual women
Head and neck cancer - facial reconstruction
Surgery for skin cancer - patients may need a skin graft or skin flap to repair the skin defect
Surgery for colorectal cancer, gynaecological or peritoneal cancers we have developed novel surgical approaches to repair defects in the bowel and to correct fistulas
Any type of accident, whether because of physical impact or burns, can cause injury that results in loss of tissue or directly damages the bones, limbs, hands, feet or face. Infection, particularly severe skin infections, can also lead to disfigurement.
Plastic surgery can repair the damage and cosmetic techniques are combined with reconstructive surgical techniques to restore a natural appearance as far as possible.
Reconstructive surgery to repair upper and lower limbs
Reconstruction to restore the function and appearance of the hand, for example due to ulnar nerve compression, hand paralysis, Dupuytren’s disease, the effects of arthritis and nerve ganglion problems
Facial reconstruction to repair the bones and tissues of the face
Skin grafting and scar reduction in patients with burn damage to the skin or after extensive lacerations.